About Adult ENFEP Classes

Class Recruitment

Professional staff are responsible for class recruitment.

For each class series, the professional staff member should complete a Participating Partnership Agreement (PPA) with appropriate, participating agency staff. This agreement documents specific class logistics (e.g. what will be taught, who will be teaching the class(es), what the dates and times for classses will be, etc.). The PPA must be signed by the EFNEP profressional and the agency site supervisors/collaborators.

Adult Education

NJ EFNEP adult education class series’ typically consist of 8-10 classes that are conducted over a period of 5 weeks to a year. Class series' lesson plans are developed using a process that employs adult learning theory to ensure unique lesson planning for each adult class according to participants' identified needs and desires. Lessons are drawn from among practice-based, nutrition lessons created by NJ EFNEP staff and supplemented by practice and evidence-based lessons from other states.